Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Child Labor doesn’t make anyone feel good. It is sad and upsetting that children have to go through things like that. Child Labor is unfair and not good for children’s safety. Child Labor makes innocent children have to end the school year early to work, children have to do way more work than they should, but luckily, there are some people out there that want to help.

    The first reason is, children are having to leave school early to work. For example, “Dora Perez has to leave her school year early so her and her family can travel 30 hours to Minnesota to harvest sugar beets.”(Scholastic) This is important because, Dora Perez should not have to do that work, neither should all the other children that are put through that. They do it to help their families, but since they leave school so early, they have many months of lost education. And because of that lost education, they struggle to catch up to their classmates.

   Another reason is,Many children have to do way more work than they should. One example is, “The children weren’t even allowed to get up and stretch.”(Freedom Hero) One of those children is, Iqbal Masih. Iqbal had to go through some rough times. When he was 4 years old, his father sold him to a carpet weaver for $12. Fortunately, when he was 10 years old, he escaped, left Pakistan, and started speaking out against child labor. Unfortunately, he went back to Pakistan when he was 12 years old and got shot and killed.

   Luckily, some people out there want to help the children that are put through child labor. Such as, Craig Kielburger. In this article, it talks about someone that tries to help, “Craig Kielburger appeared on TV, talked to politicians and testified to a U.S. Congressional Committee.” ( This means a lot to everyone that is against child labor. Craig Kielburger made a difference. Ever since Craig Kielburger was 12 years old he wanted to make a difference. He wanted to stop child labor. People started to hear about Craig. When he was 14 years old, The New Internationalist Magazine interviewed him. Craig wanted people to listen and understand him more. He traveled the world speaking out against child labor. And some other people understand what those children have to go through and want to help.

    In conclusion, Child Labor is unfair and not good for children’s safety. Child Labor makes innocent children have to end the school year early to work, children have to do way more work than they should, but luckily, there are some people out there that want to help. Dora Perez has to end the school year in May so her and her family can travel 30 hours to harvest sugar beets. Iqbal Masih was sold to a carpet weaver when he was four. And Craig Kielburger traveled the world speaking out against child labor.
Abandoned pets draft -Xavier Larose

Abandoned pets have been found and sent to the pound to be killed because people can't keep their pets. If you can't keep your pets then give it to your family don't leave them there to be sent to the pound and killed because you can't keep them. Do you know that the pound gets over thirty dogs per week. Also do you know that pets or strays get killed after two weeks if there not adopted yet.

Pets being abandoned and left alone with no food or no hope
First of all, “If you can't keep your pets then give it to your family don't just leave them there to be sent to the pound”. This is important because when people have to move and get a new home that can't have pets they just leave them behind. Ways we can help these animals are you can adopt them or give them a home.

Strays all over need help
Second of all, “Do you know that the pound gets over thirty pets per week. This is important because after two weeks in the pound the pound kills them”. That is important because dogs shouldn't be killed because they are unwanted they should at least keep them in the pound until they get a new home. You can help the animals be sold by putting up flyers or post on a website or maybe ask permission to put posters up in your school.

Pets being killed
Lastly, “Do you know after two weeks in the pound and if the animal has not been adopted in those two weeks they kill them”. This is important because they shouldn't kill animals because no one has adopted them yet they should just wait until they're adopted. Ways that we can fix this is have donations for them and food drives for them and help raise money for them to build more room so they can fit more animals.

In conclusion pets getting abandoned or killed is wrong. If you  cant keep your pets then give it to your family dont just leave them there to be sent to the pound and killed.Do you know that the pound gets thirty dogs per week. Do you know that if an pet has not been adopted in two weeks they kill it. Donate and raise money for the pound and animal shelters to feed and builded more room. People help out the animals don't let the animals suffer and die help them out maybe get a new pet it well sure start to help one of them.

Abandon Pets

                    The shelter can't find  homes for the dogs because there is a pet overpopulation issue,one reason is in over pet population is because of natural disaster,however people can help with this issue by volunteering at the shelters.

         The shelter can't find homes for the dogs. ”I've always thought that it seemed hypocritical for shelters to say they save the dogs only to kill them.”(Animal Shelters Another Risk At Life Or Death) It's important because she is saying the shelters save animals only to kill them only to kill them.Why would you save the animals only to kill them.It should be shelters goals to save animals instead of killing them.

     Hurricanes and floods are natural disasters that go with to being over filled.“Hurricanes and floods displace countless animals who become orphaned and in need of care.”(Sullivan) It's important because the animals have no homes so they get abandoned and in need of care.

     They fix shelters and keep dogs with other people till adoption.“Amanda Iannuzzi and a group of her friends started a rights group to advocate for laws against animal abuse.”(Sullivan) It's important because they are helping at shelters against animal abuse.So the animals have homes and also so they can help take care of the animals.

        In conclusion,the problems are the animal shelters say they save animals only to kill them from over pet population.Hurricanes and floods destroying shelters leaving the animals homeless.However people can help with this problem by helping out at shelters.




              Some kids that want to make a change try to change their community to a better place and make it more green, so that they can have a healthier lifestyle. Some groups of kids want to change the earth and speak against global warming. Both of these kinds of kids are child activists. A child activist is a kid that fights for a difference. And i'm going to tell you some information about  some child activists.

           Clay Mullen is a 17 year old that wants to change his community to something more green. The environmental youth group is a bunch of teens that want to stop global warming. These two are the same, and different in many ways.

          Clay Mullen is a 17 year old that wants to make a difference. He is still your regular teen, he likes fishing, and rock climbing. But when he was 11 he started to worry about the environment. He started a crusade to help him out. He helped his school adopt the phrase “West G is Idle Free.” When he started Clay estimated that he spent 2000 hours on environmental causes. And he said “It’s worth it, I want the nature to be preserved.” This shows that even though this work takes time to do, he is still willing to do it. When Clay saw the kids at his school waiting for there busses outside in the freezing cold rain and some not even having a coat or sweater on, he helped pay for micro fleece blankets for students to wear if they don’t have anything to keep them warm. Clay wanted to make a change so bad that he passed a law where teachers have to teach their students about how to keep their environment clean. All these attributes show that Clay is a teen activist that is up for a challenge.     -Clay Molten: teen passionate about saving the environment: community heros 2011

          This group of teens are taking the nation by storm. The Environmental Youth group is a group of teens that are trying to spread the word about global warming. There goal was to gather people to help them fight against climate change. The founder of this group is Mary Doerr, she estimated that she has spent over 3000 hours fighting global warming. This group has been to numerous schools across the country to teach the students about global warming and how they can stop it. They say “it’s been amazing to see such strong reception to our work so far.” This means that they’re happy that people are responding to what they are doing. All these facts prove that the environmental youth group are a bunch of teen activists that care about the planet.   - Environmental Youth: teens taking on global warming

           Clay Molten, and the environmental youth group have a plenty in common. Both Clay Molten and the environmental youth group both want to make a change to what them and others see and feel, they both want to make their communities and world a better place so them and others can be happier with what they see around them, and Clay Molten and the environmental youth group both spread the word by taking it to the books and the schools. But both also have a lot of differences. For example clay Molten said “I want the community to be a better, happier, cleaner place.” The environmental youth group says  “global warming is a cause that has to be addressed.” By reading these quotes you can tell that they both want to make a change and will do it.   - Environmental youth- teens trying to stop global warming
                            clay mullten

       In conclusion Clay Mullen is a 17 year old that wants to change his community. The environmental youth group wants to stop global warming from happening around Earth. A difference between them is Clay wants to change his community, but the environmental youth group wants to change the world. Their similarity is that they are all teens that want to make a change. That is some similarities and differences between Clay Mullen, and the Environmental Youth group.


          Bullying happens to a lot of people. Which can cause self harming behaviors. Many kids have been cyber bullied once or twice. Often times kids don't tell their parents about that they've been cyber bullied. On the internet a kid named Casey Heynes fought back because he has been bullied a lot. Casey Heynes came popular on youtube because there was a video about Casey Heynes fighting back to a bully.

          Many kids are cyber bullied or have had a account hacked which is cyberbullying. The article on the internet says “ 42% of kids have been cyberbullied.”(Adams) For example a lot of kids have been cyber bullied online. Kids have been cyberbullied happened to someone more than once or twice. If you've been been cyber bullied speak up to your parents. Cyberbullying is really mean to some kids it can cause depression and self harming behaviors. Cyberbullying is basically online bullying.

         Often times kids don't tell their parents about that they've been bullied at school or online. The article says “58% of kids haven't told their parents yet.”(Adams).   The quote explains that kids often don't tell their parents about that they have been cyber bullied. Sometimes when kids don't tell their parents it leads to more bullying and more consequences. If you tell your parents the bullying might stop, so speak up. If you don't speak up you'll become a target for all the bullies at school and out of school.

         A video went viral after a kid stood up for himself, he's not any ordinary kid it's Casey Heynes. The the news article says “Casey Heynes fought back to a bully because he's been bullied so much in the past years at his high school.” (TBC News). It's important that Casey fought back because he's been bullied for many years strait. He got punched in the face then in the gut then Casey picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and slammed him on the ground. Now Casey is roaming the school without being bullied.
         In conclusion bullying happens to a lot of people. Many kids have been cyber bullied on a game or got a mean Email. Many kids don't tell their parents about that they’ve been cyber bullied or have been bullied. Casey Heynes stopped getting bullied after he fought back to a bully it's good for him because he stopped being bullied now, he's the most popular kid in school. Don't be a bully be a buddy.

Child Labor

                                                                                                                          By: Chloe B.  C6.
                                                                                                                       April 14,2016
Child Labor.                                            

Child labor is caused by many things. Child labor is when a child is being deprived from their

education or just everyday functions. Some of the causes of child labor are poverty, limited

access to education, or limited prohibitions of child labor. Child labor can also cause health

problems. This can happen because if the lack of sunlight, food, and water. This piece of writing

will be about the causes and effects of child labor.

      One of the causes of child labor is poverty. One example of this is, “ Poor children and their

families rely upon child labor in order to improve their chances of attaining basic

necessities.” ( This piece of evidence is important because it

explains how when families need money they depend on child labor by selling their child. By

selling their child to a child laborer they can make money and even be making profit off of child

labor.This is the first cause of child labor.

         Another cause of child labor is limited access to education. An example of this is, “ In

2006, approximately 75 million children were not in school, limiting future opportunities for the

children and their communities.” ( This piece of evidence is important

because it explains that since there is a lack of knowledge, then that means that they can not

get a job to make a steady income. So if they can not make a steady income then that means

that they may contribute to child labor as a way to make money. This is the second cause of child labor.

        The last cause of child labor is prohibitions on child labor. One example of this is, “ For

example, the manufacture and exports of products often involves multiple layers of production

and outsourcing, which can make it difficult to monitor who is performing labor at each step of

the process.”( This piece of evidence is important because it

explains how when the product is produced and it is put on the market. So this makes it is hard
to tell who is performing child labor. So this means that they can not stop people are performing

child labor. This is the last cause of child labor.

          The effects of these factors are child labor. For some child labor solves their problems,

but for many children it can be the complete opposite. But when you support child labor you

supporting starving children and also deprived children. The causes of child labor are some

things that many people struggle with like poverty and limited access to education, but the

things that people can fix are limited prohibitions towards child labor. In conclusion, child labor is

unsafe and harmful to the children that are being forced to do these acts.


Mid Level Informational Writing Environment

There are many different things that an environmental activist goes about to reach their goal. For a teen environmental activist to reach this goal and make a difference in the world, they usually need to have money or donated supplies. They also need to gather a group of peers to help and educate others of their issue to get more people on board. These are usually the most effective ways for these teen environmental activists to get their issue to be successful.
The first cause that environmental activists must have is that they get money or donated supplies for their project. It does not matter if it is through a grant, fundraiser, or something else. One example of somebody who was very successful when he used his resources, such as applying for grants to get money, was Clay McMullen. “Clay, now 17 has won nearly 50 grants totaling $180,000 from organizations ranging from Walt Disney Co. to the Environmental Protection Agency to Sea World.” (Teresa Dixon Murray, 2011). This piece of evidence also demonstrates how someone very successful like Clay, who ended up planting school gardens installing emission control devices in many school buses, and doing many other amazing projects, had to have money to have these accomplishments.  A second example of this is when Jonny Cohen got donations from many different companies to create device designed to redirect the airflow in buses, saving a lot of money. He needed some materials to be able to experiment on. The article says, “Through the help of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, and the Cook-Illinois Bus Company, which donated a bus for Cohen's experiment, they now have a model that is inexpensive and easy to install, enabling widespread adoption.” (Forbes) This piece of evidence also demonstrates that when an activist gets money or donations they are able to get a lot of work done. Though it is not truly necessary to have money or donations to get an issue further than an idea, it is a really helpful and important key to getting the effect that you want.
The second cause that most teen environmental activists encounter is that they gather a group of peers to help move their cause along. It is really helpful to have other people working with you to get more ideas and opinions.   An example of one person doing this is when Jonny Cohen gathered a group of peers to work on his GreenShields project, “Cohen and his team went through various iterations to improve their GreenShield.” (Forbes) This example illustrates how having a team of people to help you can be a very important part of activism. With a group of people you can get work done a lot faster than when you are independent. Cohen and his team were probably able to get a lot more done than if he had worked independently on this project. Another example of this cause is when a  group of teens worked together to educate people of global warming, “They're a group of teens dedicated to raising awareness of global warming.” (Ryan Merchant). This group of teens in “Inconvenient Youth” was working together to get a project done and they probably would not have been able to make very much progress if they had not been working with each other. These pieces of evidence all show that when you work as a group you can get a lot more done, be more creative, and get a lot more opinions.
The last cause that an environmental activist typically encounters is that they have to educate others of their issue and get more people on board to be successful. If they did not have anybody else with them then they would not get very far and there word would not be spread. One example of this is Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, who was a very good educator. He even won Youth Change Maker of the Year prize from President Obama. This means that he was probably making a significant change in the world. His main goal was to put a price on plastic bags and educate others of all environment issues out there. In the article, Robin Nieryrck says, “He's organized over 100 high-impact rallies, events and conferences around the globe, has spoken for TED, and is one of the youngest people to speak on a United Nations Panel.” (Robin Nieryrck, 2015). This example models how, in order to be successful you have to show people that your issue is important. If you cannot get anyone else on your side, your issue will go nowhere. The second example of this is Team Marine. This is a team of teens in Santa Monica who were determined to ban plastic bags to save the environment. A member of the group says, “So we gathered 40 students to March through the streets of Santa Monica and promote the use of reusable bags and banning plastic bags.” (Whole Foods Market, 2008) This group of peers sure had the right idea to get out there and promote their cause in the streets. This got lots of people on their side when they did not give up and had so many people promoting the cause. This is why it is very important for teen activists to educate the world and get their ideas out their.
The result of all of these causes is that the environmental teen activists are able to change the thing that they thought was wrong with the world and were able to educate others of the problem, hopefully to continue the project in the future. The effect of all of these teen activists was amazing. They were able to get a lot done and make many improvements on our world. One example of a teen environmental activist who was a very successful was Johnny Cohen. The article says, “The newest GreenShield model, the V4, increases gas mileage 10 to 20%, saves about $600 per bus per year, costs only $30, and takes minutes to install.” (Forbes) This illustrates that when all of the causes are put together the effect is great! This project was a great success and was able to reach the goal, making an important change in the world. The second example of this is when and Greg Woodburn founded a nonprofit organization to collect and clean up running shoes for kids who did not have any. “By the end of the first year, he was able to collect and clean-up more than 500 pairs of running shoes, which were sent to kids in inner-city Los Angeles, as well as overseas to Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya.” (Lori Brown, 2010). This also demonstrates that when the three causes were put to use, the result was that a great Improvement in something happens. This is exactly what the effect of teen environmental activism of any kind does.
In conclusion, teen activists have many different causes to come to their general goal, to change something that they think is wrong with the world. But these were only some of the typical environmental activists causes. These three main causes are that they have to have money or a donation of some sort, a group of peers to help them reach their goal, and also need to educate others of their goal to get more support. Activists would not get very far if  they did not get money. Most activists also usually gather a group of peers, though they could do the project independently. The last cause is that they have to get more people on board with their goal and to do so you have to educate others. These are all of the causes to come to the effect of changing something in the world that you do not think is right. Overall, teen environmental activism can have great effect when you do indeed put all these causes together and so we should keep on doing what we’re doing and change our world for the better.

Child Labor

Children that have been faced with child labor have all kinds of obstacles in their way. Some problems they might face is the lack of education. Or child activists making the cause known. I will show you three child activists that have been faced with these problems.Or helped kids solve them.

Firstly, we will talk about Iqbal Mashi and his few years of child labor. Iqbal’s parents sold him when he was young. They traded him to pay off 12 dollar debt. Iqbal left his family to go make carpets.luckily though Iqbal escaped.Traveling Iqbal spoke out against child labor.He traveled to the United States and asked for help from Broad Meadows Middle School in Quincy Massachusetts. But on April 16, Iqbal was shot for speaking out. Starting a new generation of child activists.
Kathy Gannon talks about Iqbal saying, “A bonded worker who could never buy his way free”.She explains the obstacle of leaving the child labor life. It explains how you are stuck making carpets or cocoa beans.You have to pass that obstacle.

Secondly, we will talk about Craig Kielburger. Craig was a 12 year old Canadian child who noticed Iqbal’s story. He started to spread the cause further by gathering some seventh grade classmates and decided to make a website. Although he was focused on the smaller picture. Craig talks about,“We’re not against children working, we’re against children being abused and exploited”.Craig is okay with children working for money. But children who are in danger and being taken advantage of,he’s against.

Lastly,Malala Yousafzai is a child activist who believes in education.Most kids who experience child labor usually lack education. Malala explains,“Education gives you the power to question”.
The quote means that if a child are busy working they can be deprived of their education. Lacking the power to make their own decision. You have to pass the obstacle.

Now that you can see some obstacles child labor victems have the lack of education. Or child activists making the cause known.Whether Iqbal, Craig, or Malala have shown you the never ending issue of child labor. Child labor is a huge issue with many obstacles are you willing to make the world a better place?

Child Labor

        Today I am going to tell you about two boys, Iqbal and Craig. Iqbal and Craig are both
child activists who speak out against child labor. They are similar and different from each other. One example on how they are similar is that they both care about child labor and they want to help free child slaves. Another example of how they are different is that Iqbal’s life was at risk every time he spoke out against child labor in Pakistan.

        One example on how Iqbal cared about child labor is, when Iqbal escaped from child
labor to show people that it was wrong and that all of us should put a stop to it. My evidence for this is in an article called, Two Children Against Child Labor and it says, “ At the age of ten, Iqbal
escaped from child slavery and began to speak out against child labor.” (Two Children Against Child Labor). This quote shows that Iqbal cares about child labor and that he wanted to put it to a stop. This was my reason why I think Iqbal cared about child labor.

          One example on how Craig cared about child labor is, when he tried to get everyone
aware of child labor. I think this because of the quote I found says, “ I began to research child labor and then took what I knew to my seventh grade class and told them that I wanted to help. Who wants to help me?” (Craig). This shows that Craig not only wanted to help he wanted others to help to. These are some reasons why I think Craig cares about child labor.

        One example on how they are different is that every time Craig spoke out against child labor his life wasn't at stake but, Iqbal’s life was. I think this because my quote says, “ A few months after returning to Pakistan from his visit to the U.S. Iqbal was shot and killed while riding his bike with his friends.” (Two Children Against Child Labor). This quote shows that because Craig spoke out against child labor he was killed and Craig wasn’t . These are some reasons on how I think Iqbal and Craig are different.

        In conclusion Iqbal and Craig are similar and different from each other. An example of how they are similar is, that they both tried to raise awareness for child labor. They are also similar because they both care about child labor. Another example on how they are different is, that Iqbal’s life was at stake every time he spoke out against child labor but, Craig's life wasn't. These are some examples why I think Iqbal and Craig were similar and different.

Why Child Labor is Bad

    Child activists Iqbal Masih and Craig Kielburger are similar in age, but however there personal experiences with child labor are very different. Child labor is a big problem in some places, it can also be dangerous to young children that get sold into it for small amounts of money. There are lots of organizations trying to stop child labor along with many people against it. Some kids try to escape, some make it and others don’t, if they move back to that place there is a chance for danger. That is why we have people trying to stop this by speaking out about it.

   Firstly, Iqbal Masih was a child slave himself.  An example of how he became a child slave is, “He was sold into the carpet business at the age of four years old for the equivalent of 12 U.S. dollars.” This is important because it shows the poverty level in the country of Pakistan, when we think of it $12 is not that much money but Iqbal was sold for that amount. Iqbal was later shot and killed outside of his grandmother's house. Something that caused this is, “Iqbal went home even though he was in danger, “I need to finish what I started is the words that Iqbal used.” This is important because he put other kids in front of him even though he knew that he could be murdered. That is Iqbal Masih’s personal experiment with child labor and speaking out about it.  I got information from, “Schloat”.

   Next, Craig Kielburger is just an activist speaking out about child labor. An example of him being against child labor is, “Craig Kielburger started Free the Children Organization”. This is a website that people can donate on to try to help kids be bought out of child labor. This is important because he started an international organization that is helping to save many kids around the world by going into class, stating his idea and getting other kids to join and help. Another important fact is, “Craig Kielburger was only 12 years old when he started this organization”. This is important because it shows that sometimes people listen to younger kid’s voices more than they would listen to any random adult’s voice. Those are the things that Craig Kielburger did to speak out about child labor. The source of this information is “Two Children Against Child Labour”.

  Lastly, Both Iqbal and Craig spoke out about child labor. However Iqbal has personal experiences with Child labor because he was a child slave himself and Craig just speaks out about it. Iqbal was also murdered because he escaped and then went back to his original home and spoke out, when Craig is still alive. Another similarity is, “Craig Kielburger was the same age as Iqbal when died”. This is important because this made him think about what if it was him. This made him become an activist about child labor.

  In conclusion, Iqbal and Craig are similar because, their age is both 12, they both tried to stop child labor. However different because, Iqbal was actually a child slave himself and escaped when Craig isn’t he just is an activist that speaks out about it.  The age is one way that they are similar and their personal experiences are very different. Iqbal Masih and Craig Kielburger both impacted child slavery by creating a website organization, and escaping child labor and speaking out about it
      World wide 31 million girls under ten years old have never been to school. Other girls have had an education from kindergarten to 12th grade. The countries that do not have a lot, tend to get on the wrong track and think girls can not have an education because of all the traits people say about girls and women.  Girls can make a difference, girls don’t have access to education and girls and women do not have the same rights as boys and men. Girls do have a voice in this world.

     The first one is, girls can make a difference in their community. There are different ways like contacting the media or putting on a fundraiser like Malala Yousafzai and Annie Gersh. Annie Gersh said,  “Girls leadership is important because girls are half of the world's population.” People think girls and women are fragile and they don’t have a say in anything. Annie Gersh said, “ when they are given the opportunity to be educated they strive to make a difference in their communities and change the path their families will take.” That means when given the opportunity girls will want an education they will try to get their families on the right side, that girls and boys can go to school.

   The second one is, girls don’t have access to education in parts of the world. If they are getting an education most schools are not girl friendly in some way. When girls are educated, this world will change. Annie Gersh attended a private event and spoke to  80 schools to talk to kids about girls education. Malala said, “one child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.” This quote means if a girl if educated you will learn that even doing the smallest thing, you can change parts of the world.

  Finally, girls don’t have the rights as boys. Girls and women are not allowed out of the house unless a boy or man was with you. Malala said to that, “even if it’s a five year old boy.” Menuka Gurung at age 19 said about girls rights, “ if we want to be equal then we need to involve boys as well as girls in advocacy. The boys should know how girls feel when they are teased, or when the boys are allowed to go out but girls have to stay home till after seven p.m.” Girls do not have the same rights as boys but a lot of other people think girls should stay home,clean and take care of people.

                In some countries it doesn’t acer that girls can not do certain things. A lot of countries say girls and women can’t do anything their just housewives and girls who stay in the house. Girls can make a difference in the world by speaking up to others or doing something small. Girls and women do not have the right to be educated like in Pakistan, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Afghanistan and more. Girls and women do not have the same rights as boy because their fragile and more traits that are not true about us. Girls and woman can change the world. When girls and woman stand up for their rights people are amazed by us

Facts from, The other Malala’s, The girls hero and girls can make a difference.

Child Labor

                                                  Child Labor     Written by: Madison Bors C6
    Child labor is something that needs to be prevented. Child labors side effects are often filthy and dirty. Child labor is not a fair way for children to spend their lives. There are many reasons we should prevent child labor from happening. Child labor can have a lot of negative impact on children such as, unhealthy and poor nutrition, no or lack of education, and even unsafe punishment towards the children when mistakes during work are made. This is why we need to help prevent or stop child labor.
    As you would suspect, The safety of children is a very important factor in making sure that they develop properly. Safety is important whether it is physically safe or mentally safe. For example, “If they make any mistakes whatsoever they were beaten and put into these little torture chambers.”- (Freedom Hero). This is an example of how much risk the children are put at when they make even the littlest mistakes. It is certainly not fair that children have to suffer from poor safety habits, which is what happens to these children on a day to day basis.
    Also, Another thing that is very important for children is education. No education can make it hard for children to develop, communicate with others, and find suitable jobs. For example, “In 2006, 75 million children were not in school.”- (Causes Of Child Labor). This shows that because of child labor families can not afford to send their children to school to get an education. If we put an end to child labor, children would be able to get the proper education they deserve, which is not what they are getting right now, as stated as one of the main causes of child labor.
   Lastly, The nutrition of children is also a very important factor in making sure that the children grow and develop in a healthy way. For example, “No food, water, or sunlight”- (Freedom Hero). This proves that children in child labor are or were not getting the proper nutrition they needed. They were not allowed to get proper nutrition like food and water. This is because the owners wanted to keep them small because the smaller the fingers the more work gets done. However, if children stay small for their whole life they will not be able to live an enjoyable life. This is a reason why we should help stop child labor.
     In conclusion,   Child labor can have a negative impact on children. Not being under safe conditions can lead to injuries physically or mentally for the children. Also, not having an education is a big problem that needs to be resolved because the children are suffering from lack of education or even no education. Children aren’t in school because their parents can not afford it. Last of all, nutrition is important because the kids will not develop and grow in a healthy way without it. Child labor can ruin or even end a child's life. It is not a good way for a child to spend their life. If we put ourselves in the children's shoes we would certainly be able to say that they are living an unenjoyable and unfair life.

The Main Causes Of Child Labor

The Main Causes Of Child Labor
By Maia Alling C6

Child labor is, as defined by the International Labor Organization, “work that deprives
children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.” The living conditions for a child laborer are often dangerous and filthy. Child labor is a practice that is in need of prevention, but to prevent this issue you must first know the causes of it. Child labor is mainly caused by families in extreme poverty, lack of laws, poor law enforcement, and limited access to free education.

First of all, child labor can be caused by desperate families living in extreme poverty.
As stated by Matt Berg, “Many parents in impoverished countries push their children to work out of necessity.” The severe poverty in areas of Asia, Latin America and Africa often cause families to sell their children into child labor to gain money.

Similarly, in areas of the United States, migrant children are often forced to do backbreaking farm work to help their struggling families obtain money. As explained by Karen Fanning, “A typical farmworker earns $7,500 a year or less - hardly enough money to support a family.” Desperate families living in poverty feel the need to have their children perform child labor in able to gain money for necessities such as food, clean water and clothing.

Another cause of child labor is the lack of laws and poor law enforcement in certain countries. Many countries fail to have proper laws against child labor, as the article “Causes of Child Labor” described, “Child labor laws around the world are often not enforced or include exemptions that allow for child labor to persist in certain sectors, such as agriculture or domestic work.” This means that even if the laws claim that child labor is illegal in certain cases, like perhaps carpet manufacturing, it can still be legal in other cases such as working on a cocoa bean farm.

But, even if countries have proper laws against child labor, they are often violated
as there is poor law enforcement. Poor law enforcement is often caused by inadequate funding and lack of employees. As stated in the article “Causes of Child Labor,” “labor departments and labor inspection offices are often under-funded and do not have enough workers, or courts may fail to enforce the laws.” With lack of proper laws and law enforcement, child labor is unfortunately able to persist.

 The last main cause of child labor is limited access to free education. When there is limited access to free education, many families do not see a benefit in paying for their children to go to school, or they may just not be able to afford it. If their children are out of school, they are often forced to work to provide money for their family instead of doing nothing. Limited access to free education is obviously a major issue for many families, as the article “Causes of Child Labor” revealed,  “In 2006, approximately 75 million children were not in school, limiting future opportunities for the children and their communities.” Unfortunately, a community with uneducated citizens will eventually fall apart as nobody is able to take on the vital occupations such as doctors, teachers, police officers, lawyers, and dentists - and that is only to name a few.

In conclusion, child labor is the outcome of families in extreme poverty, poor enforcement and lack of laws, and limited access to free education. Families living in extreme poverty might become so desperate that they sell their children into child labor to obtain money for necessities such as food, clean water or clothing. Lack of proper laws and poor law enforcement are allowing child labor to persist in certain countries. Limited access to free education causes many families to believe there is no benefit to pay for their children to go to school, so instead their children are forced to work. Now that you understand what causes child labor, you can hopefully help eliminate this worldwide issue.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

First Post

Good morning scholars!

Today you are going to make your first blog post. This post should be the final edited copy of your mid- level informational essay.

Your job today is to: 

1. Upload your blog

2. Comment on one other students post using the praise. press, and polish method. You want to try to provide one comment of praise, one comment pressing the author to respond to a question that they have left you, the audience with about their work maybe it was an idea that they had. And one suggestion of a polish, or something that the author could improve.

3. Go back  your essay, see the feed back and respond by acknowledging the praise, answering the persons press, and seeing if you can use their suggestions for polish in your work. Please do this is an comment back to them.

4. Apply the feed back to your original post. This will require you to edit your post.