Wednesday, May 18, 2016


   Pollinators have an important role in the community and the environment. Both plants and people need pollinators, without pollinators, our food sources would be very sparse because pollinators supply a lot of food for us. Pollinators play a major role in the environment, plants need them, people need them. Overall, pollinators provide a food source for humans.
   One example is, pesticides, varroa mites, and human activities are causing pollinators to die. People have been spraying pesticides on their plants to help them grow, but unfortunately, it is causing harm to pollinators. Varroa mites are also harmful to pollinators, they attach on to the bees’ backs and kill them. They attach onto the bees’ backs by the varroa mites already being on the plants. Finally, human activities are causing pollinators to die, by paving, building and so on. For example, “Many species of wild bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are heading towards extinction.” (Associated Press, March 14, 2016) It would be a big deal if pollinators became extinct because they provide our food sources.
   Another example is, pollinators are very important, without them ⅓ of our food supply would be gone. Pollinators pick up pollen by traveling from plant to plan. While they are doing that, the pollen gets on to the bees’ back and stomach. They then bring the pollen back to their hive. Here are some examples of foods that need pollinators, “Cucumbers, carrots, melons, apricots, plums, apples, blueberries and more, depend on pollinators.” (Unknown, April 25, 2016) Pollinators play a huge role in our environment.
   The next example is, there is a big consequence of losing pollinators. There would not be nearly as much food as there is now. Also, the plants need the pollinators just as much as us. Here is an example of how many plants need pollinators to live, “Approximately 90% of plants need those pollinators to survive.” (Unknown, April 25, 2016) Plants need the pollinators, people need pollinators, the pollinators are a big part in our community and the environment.
   Another reason is, a couple things are being done to address the pollinator issue. Laws are starting to change. For example, companies are starting to change the amount of pesticide usage. Also, in 2010 New York started being allowed to beekeep. For example, “Beekeeping was illegal in New York until 2010.”(TED Talk, June, 2012) There are a lot of bee hives in New York now, and that is a good things because we need pollinators.
   The next reason is, we are being activists at Massabesic Middle School by planting our butterfly habitat so we can help the pollinators. We can address these issues by planting what the pollinators need to pollinate. “We need to plant what the pollinators need, to get food.” (Associated Press, March 14, 2016) We need the pollinators, or else our food sources would be very sparse, so to help the pollinators we are planting a butterfly garden.
   In conclusion, pollinators play a huge role in the environment, plants need the pollinators, people need pollinators. Overall, pollinators provide a food source for humans. For example, pesticides, varroa mites, and human activities are causing pollinators to die, without pollinators ⅓ of our food would be gone, plants also need pollinators, laws are starting to change, and, by planting our butterfly habitat at MMS we can help the pollinators. Pollinators play an important role in our community and the environment.

1 comment:

  1. Your facts and your text evidence is very strong and interesting. What can other people do to help this issue? You use the "Pollinators play a huge role in our community and environment" at the end of two paragraphs. Maybe you could use different word choice and sentences to replace those two.
