Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pollinator issue
Written by: Madison Bors

     We may not think about other pollinators like the humming bird or the ladybug, but they are still a very important part of pollination. We also may not think about that pollinators providing humans with a healthy food source. However, they even play a very important role in pollinating flowers that grow into plants designed for human consumption.  Pollinators are dying off due to the issue of harsh chemicals and pesticide use. Also, we should realize that pollinators play a great role in our everyday lives.
    First off, We need to realize that pollinators are dying off very quickly around the globe due to the use of pesticides that affect the pollinators health and pollination skills. They are also dying from habitat loss and destruction. Even the mite, called the Varroa Mite is spreading at an alarming rate through North America  and South America. For example, wild pollinators have suffered Multiple Anthropogenic Insults which is a combination of habitat destruction, fragmentation, and pesticide use. It is very important to understand that buildings and companies have built right on top of habitats, destroying the habitats, of different types of animals including a lot of important food providing pollinators, and we all deserve to know that pesticide use isn't the major issue we are concerned about. We are concerned about the chemicals that pesticides contain. These chemicals affect the pollinators work habits.
      So now that you know, what is killing off these important food proving pollinators you should know what they do for us. So, pollinators are sometimes underestimated, but don't let their size or shape trick you. Pollinators such as bats, birds, bees, and butterflies, along with a wide variety of other insects, pollinate our flowers and different types of plants so that we have fresh fruits and veggies on our plates, and they also provide not only humans, but also animals with a food source. For example, bees pollinate 75% of crops in the U.S. This shows just how much pollinators, especially bees, really do for us. Overall, they make it so all living things are healthy and well.

      Now that you know, what pollinators do for us, you can see that without pollinators we would not have a healthy food source, neither would animals for that matter. For example, without pollinators ⅓ of the food we eat today would be gone.We would also be left without pollinated plants and flowers. Losing pollinators would have a negative impact on humans and the environment. Another thing is, if we lost pollinators we would have to have to hand pollinate with a cue-tip. For example, take in consideration the sparrows in China. This is shows how hard our life routine would really be like without pollinators.

   In conclusion, we can lower pesticide use and be more careful about the products we use that could eventually lead to pollinator extinction. We can also realize how important bees are to the environment and you should surely see now how difficult it would be without pollinators. So next time you see a pollinator whether it is a bee, a butterfly, a bat, or a bird make sure you realize how much it really does for you and your environment. Also, make sure you never underestimate a pollinator for its size or shape. Maybe when you see a pollinator the next time, think to yourself what can I do to help?

1 comment:

  1. I liked your introduction, it had nice voice. I think that you could improve your essay by citing your sources. Even though you didn't directly quote your sources, it would still be a good idea to cite them as it would make your essay stronger. If you do not show the credible sources you got your information from, people reading your essay will not be sure whether or not what you said was true. Overall, I enjoyed reading your writing. Super cool.
