Thursday, May 19, 2016


The Importance Of Pollinators
By: Chloe Babb

Pollinators are crucial to everyday life and some of us don't don't even realize how important the are. But pollinators have started to die out from the harmful GMO and pesticides we are putting in our crops. From recent studies it shows that an average of 30% of bee hives decrease each year. These are some of the thing that pollinators help us with. For example, they help pollinate those sweet, juicy fruits. But one of the biggest issues that people don't realize is how much money we keep in our pockets because of the pollinators. This means that they help us save money by pollinating our crops for free. instance, farmers don't need to pay someone to come and help pollinate their crops because pollinators will do it for free.

       Pollinators are dying do to the harmful pesticides we are putting in our foods in our crops. By putting pesticides in our crops we are poisoning our pollinators that come to pollinate our crops. One example of this is, “ Protecting pollinators is just one of the many reasons we eat organic foods.” This is important because it shows one of the ways humans are trying to help save the pollinators. Stated by Beyond Pesticides Organization. This is just one of the many reasons why pollinators are dying off.

       Again, the importance of pollinators is extensive but one of the ways they are important is by pollinating our crops. By pollinating our foods they are providing us bunches of foods by pollinating them. One example of this is,“ Pollinators pollinate approximately 75% of crops.” This is important because it shows us how much of our crops pollinators pollinate.  Stated by NRCS. This is just one of the ways pollinators are important for our food supply.

        The consequences of losing pollinators is a big concern in the U.S. because they provide humans with food, but they also are a food source for other animals and insects. One example of this is, “ Bee populations have dropped 30% per year since 2006.” This is important because it shows how much and how quickly bee populations are declining.Stated by NRCS. This is just one of the many concerns the U.S. has about losing our pollinators.

         Some people have started planting flowers with no pesticides, to provide a food source for the pollinators. Do to this issue food prices have gone up because there is so little of the product being sold. Americans are also losing money because we don't have the goods to sell to the other countries to make profit. One example of this is, “ For example, it has been estimated that insect-pollinated crops directly contributed $20 billion to be United States economy in the year 2000.” Stated by NRCS. This shows how much pollinators help contribute to the profit we make from the goods we send to other countries. This is one of the ways pollinators help bring money into this country.

         What most people don't realize is how easy saving the pollinators can be. One simple way to help is by planting flowers around your home or neighborhood. This what we hear at Massabesic Middle School are doing to help this matter. We are planting a garden which not only benefits the pollinators by giving them a habitat to live in but it also benefits our school. One example of this is, “ Bring bees to areas where they are thriving and try to make them healthier before they get sick.” Stated by Noah Wilson-Rich. This shows how easy it can be to help this matter. This is one of the ways you can help save the pollinators.

           In conclusion, pollinators are crucial and some of us don't don't realize the importance of pollinators. For example, pollinators pollinators pollinate our sweet, juicy fruits. The biggest issues people don't realize is how much money we keep in our pockets because of the pollinators. For instance, farmers don't need to pay someone to come and pollinate their crops because pollinators do it for free. But the harmful pesticides we are putting in our crops are causing the pollinators to die off. Because the pollinators are important because they provide humans with food by pollinating our crops. By losing our pollinators we aren't only losing some our crops but the small insects and animals food source. These are some of the reasons why we need to do something about this issue before the pollinators die off.

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