Pollinators play an important role in our environment by giving us food. Every second of every day of every year, countless other creatures. Pollinators carry pollen from flower to flower. The pollen fertilizes the flower, which allows them to make seeds and fruits. They do this by assistly but the fertilization of plants when human and animals consume.
Pollinators are dying do to pesticides and the varroa mites. Every batch of pollen grain has about six pesticides in them. One example is,“ some soil contains neonicotinoid pesticides at levels that could harm or even kill the bees” ( unknown, June 9, 2015 ). In 1942, there were 4.5 million bees but in 2000 there were about 2 million bees. The varroa mites also kills bees by sucks bees blood and circulates virus but bees can’t get them off because they have no hands and if they use their stinger they die. They are also dying off do to habitat loss, “ many remaining habitats degraded by invasive plant species making them less suitable for native pollinators and other wildlife.
Pollinators help spread pollen by traveling plant to plant. Some insects are famous for munching huge number of pests. A ladybug, for example may eat 500 aphids before it grows up. Aphides are sape sucking insects that are also known as plant lice. Without pollinators ⅓ of our food supply would be gone. Another example is, “ all these species with humans rely on pollinators to do their jobs. Some estimate put the value of pollinating at roughly $15 billion a year,” ( Newsela staff, 6-5-15 ). More than 200,000 different species of animals around the world act as pollinators.
One consequence of losing pollinators population includes a decreased amount of food for humans. One effect of losing pollinators is hand pollination and in the u.s. you would get paid $7.50 an hour. That isn't a lot of money. An example is, “ 90% of all flowering plants require pollinators to survive,” ( unknown, 4-25-16 ). Another example is, “ we are in a period of decline and there are going to be increasing consequences,” said report's lead author Simon Potts.
To address the pollinators issue, people have to bring awareness by facing companies to change their policies concerning pollinators. On May 19, the Obama administration announced the first national strategy to promote the health of honey bees and other pollinators. An example is, “ W. Atlee Burpee & company has donated more than one million seed packets to different places around the country,” ( Newsela staff, 6-5-15 ). In 2010 New York started to have beekeeping because it was illegal till 2010.
At Massabesic middle school we are planting wildflower and milkweed to produce pollinators habitats. Our school for the past couple months has collected data, soil samples and more that twenty websites. We have been learning about companies like Monsanto, Home Depot,Walmart, Lowe's and how they're hurting our environment. They're more that 4,000 species of pollinators in America, and our team want to help the pollinators in New England. We're excited to learn more about the connection between companies and the environment.
In conclusion pollinators give us more than 75% of the world’s crops. Pollinators are dying off due to pesticides and the varroa mites that sucks out all the the bees blood. Pollinators can travel more than 60 miles delivering pollen from flower to flower. In 58 years we’ve lost more than 2.5 million bees. People need to bring awareness about pollinators because one day we will not have them. You could help the pollinators by doing what my assay told you.
Nice job! I really liked the transitional phrases that you used in some of your paragraphs. However, if you changed others, like adding transitional phrases to the paragraphs where you only start with "pollinators" might make the paragraph stronger. Another thing that you could change to make it better is to change the phrase where you introduce the quote. Also, you could read through it out loud and just make sure that everything you have sounds correct. I also really liked the way that you had good supporting details in your third paragraph (500 aphids).